Write an Article on “An Election Scen” // An Election Scen Per Nibandh

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Write an Article on “An Election Scen” // An Election Scen Per Nibandh

Write an Article on “An Election Scen” // An Election Scen Per Nibandh

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An Election Scene


India is a Democratic Republic and her government is run by the elected representatives of the people. So elections are held after every five years. This is for the Parliament which forms the Central Government. Elections are also held for State Assemblies. Corporations, Municipal Boards, District Boards and various other local bodies.

Election in my city

Last year, elections were held in my city for electing the representatives to the Municipal Cor- poration of Delhi. Different political parties like the Congress, the B.J.P., the Janta Dal, the C.P.I. and the C.P.M., put up their candidates for different seats in different constituencies. Some candidates did not belong to any party and contested the elections as independents.


Canvassing began two weeks before the election. The parties took out processions and organised meet- ings in supports of their candidates. The speakers in such meetings detailed their programmes of work if their party won in the elections. Big promises were made. Pamphlets and handbills were freely distributed and pasted on the walls. Can- didates and their supporters went about in jeeps, tempos, trucks and three-wheelers fitted with loud speakers, shouting slogans. They also went on foot from door to door canvassing for votes. The canvassing gathered momentum as the election day ap- proached nearer. But all canvassing had to be stopped twenty four hours before the actual time of voting.

Polling arrangements

Elaborate arrangements were made at the polling stations for voting. Each polling station was divided into three booths. The division was made by tying bamboo poles. Each booth had a curtain hung in one comer of the room. Two tables and two chairs were placed for voters to mark the ballot papers. The ballot boxes were placed behind the curtain. At the entrance to the room, Polling Officers sat on tables with relvent registers to check the voters, secure their signatures and issue ballot papers.

Voting begins

The voting was to begin at 8 a.m. The Presiding Officer, the Polling Officers and other helpers all ar- rived at 6 a.m. They sealed the ballot boxes before the candi- dates or their representatives and put them behind the cur- tains in every booth. Voters started arriving in large numbers and stood in queues. At five minutes to eight, the Polling Offic- ers took their seats. Voting began exactly at eight. The first, voter went to the Polling Officer. The voter was identified and his name in the voters list was ticked. Then the upper side of his index finger was marked with an indelible ink to prevent him from voting again. He was given the ballot paper which he marked with the candidate of his choice and put it into the ballot box. This process was repeated with every voter.


The voting continued-smoothly till five in the evening. Then the ballot boxes were sealed in the pres- ence of the representatives. They were then sent under police security to the Gentral Hall where counting of votes was to begin the next day.


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